
Showing posts from October, 2018

Race, School Culture, and the Politics of Academic Success

Issues in Latino Education          Some of the books that I have read this year, has made me think and reflect.  As a mother of two  beautiful and bi-cultural children, I am concerned and aware that not all children will receive the same opportunities in life. Our job as parents is to be aware that education is a system and that we all need to be included in conversations that expresses our ideas and perspectives. Resource. Power. Perspective. Diversity. The politics of language : “Schools are political domain and are linked to power and control within the dominant society. They are also agents of socialization in which formal pedagogy as well as the informal hidden curriculum reflect the beliefs of the dominant society” (Giroux, 1983). “A common perception among public educators and the public in general is that minority students drop out of school because of personal deficiencies, language difficulties, poverty, and many other perceived cul...