
Showing posts from March, 2016

The sun (poem)

Are you the sun? Let’s look at the light The sun The clouds Let’s feel the wind that flows That refreshes That makes us reflect Night falls We see the darkness We see the sun set, maybe to sleep, maybe to think, maybe to reflect But at night we need to see the light, we need to see the moon, we need to see the stars To able to look at the brighter side To be able to view, ourselves While we are reflecting, we are thinking, we are doing, we are moving Our thoughts in different directions Once again, the sun rises, it’s bright, it’s big, it’s huge, it takes up space, it lifts  It lifts people up The sun full of energy, so strong, so bright, so beautiful The sun is the most important source of energy for life. It gives us life, our plants life, our environment life, living and non-living things life It is magnetic It is forceful It is hot and dense The sun rays dances into our eyes The sun is a motivation of how we can create life...

Education these days...

Speaking two or more languages is very important in this world but not only speaking it but writing and reading it as well. Almost half of the world speaks Spanish, if we observe the map of the world, you will notice that Central America, South America besides Brazil, the Caribbean and Spain speaks mostly Spanish with different dialects. When I traveled to Italy in 2005, I noticed that most residents in Italy spoke more than one language; Italian and English, Italian and Spanish, Italian and French, etc. In Europe for the most part, many residents speak more than one language, they look at it as a benefit, as a resource, as a passport to the world. In a world of many different languages and dialects, why is it that United States don't look at it as a privilege and benefit? Why do some people view Bilingual or multilingual as a disadvantage? I believe that being Multilingual is an advantage, a passport to the world, more opportunities and more understanding of other peoples culture...