Education these days...

Speaking two or more languages is very important in this world but not only speaking it but writing and reading it as well. Almost half of the world speaks Spanish, if we observe the map of the world, you will notice that Central America, South America besides Brazil, the Caribbean and Spain speaks mostly Spanish with different dialects. When I traveled to Italy in 2005, I noticed that most residents in Italy spoke more than one language; Italian and English, Italian and Spanish, Italian and French, etc. In Europe for the most part, many residents speak more than one language, they look at it as a benefit, as a resource, as a passport to the world. In a world of many different languages and dialects, why is it that United States don't look at it as a privilege and benefit? Why do some people view Bilingual or multilingual as a disadvantage? I believe that being Multilingual is an advantage, a passport to the world, more opportunities and more understanding of other peoples culture.

After having children, I realized how important is for me, my husband and our family to speak to them in our native language. They will learn English throughout the years but if we do not reinforce our native language they will forget it or not even appreciate it. As a Bilingual teacher, I see the benefits and the importance of teaching them how to write, read and speak in another language. There are many challenges and obstacles that arrive while being a Bi-lingual teacher but at the same time it is a privilege, an advantage, excitement and a life long learning process when students, children and individuals know two or more languages. I believe that when a student, a child is strong in their native language (L1)  then it becomes easier for them to learn another language or their second language which is their (L2). The foundations have to be there, the phonics, the fluency, the comprehension before we can master another language. Is it possible to learn two languages and co-switch between languages but I also strongly believe that what you learn form home is the foundation that is needed when you enter school . Just a few minutes of one-on-one time at home makes a huge difference and improvement in a child's education. If we do not work together, parents, teachers, care givers, and society to help a child achieve to their full potential then it might be hard for the child to get ahead. There are other circumstances that affect a child's learning, one major part is the child's behavior. It all starts with our behavior, our actions, our thoughts and how we respond.

I feel that there should be more appreciation when working with students from diverse backgrounds especially when they enter a school speaking another language other than English. People have expressed that when  a child masters one language they can master the other language easily but at times it might take longer for a child that is Multilingual to be proficient in reading and writing compared to a child that is just monolingual (one language). Why? well, maybe the multi-lingual child or individual has more information to remember and store. I am not expressing that they can not be proficient it all languages but it might be a longer process.

Here are some fun facts about Multilingual people:
  • Bilingualism affects brain development from infancy. (Babies understand too).
  • When learning a foreign language, its best to start early.
  • But you can still learn a foreign language as an adult.
  • Bilingual people do better academically :)
  • Bilingual people also do better in other areas. (Multi-tasking) etc.
Research has found that being fluent in two languages, particularly from early childhood, not only enhances a person's ability to concentrate, but might also  protect against the onset of dementia and other age- related cognitive decline. (

These are great facts and information but I believe that policymakers and some educators needs to change their thinking, materials, resources and state exams to accommodate students and individuals that are English language learners (ELL) and Bilingual. If we do not have the resources available for them, then the Education society is not being fair. It is a process that needs to happen because as we can see being Multi-lingual opens many doors and has great benefits.